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Piodalan Ceremony at Workspace and Culture

In Balinese, the word Piodalan means being born or leaving, it is originated from the word wedal. So, this ceremony is a form of yadnya, or a sincere sacrifice to Ida Sang Hyang Widhi which is held on the day the temple is born. That is, every temple will have a day that is commemorated as the time to carry out piodalan. It is celebrated on its birthday according to the  Pawukon – the 210 day Balinese calendar.

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Preparation at Workspace and Culture

On June, Workspace and Culture has celebrated its piodalan/odalan ceremony to commemorate the temple’s birthday. Workspace and Culture was established 2 years ago. We had our Melaspas ceremony on the full moon in July 2019 with our friends and families. 2 years later, Workspace and Culture is blessed still with the trust of our clients and partners as well as our creativity in delivering services. We would want to show gratitude for all this blessing we have received whilst asking for future blessing.

Early in the morning, everyone was gathered at Workspace and Culture to start preparing for the ceremony. Various kind of banten (offerings) from fruits, flowers, different kind of snacks and crackers placed in festive container made from janur  (palm/coconut leaves) served at the ceremony. These offerings for the deities are placed on a raised platform along with the lamak, a rectangular-shaped hanging decorated in various ways symbolizes a path between heaven and earth. Fragrant sticks of burning incense inserted, and then the offerings are ritually cleansed with holy water. 

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Serati preparing banten
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Putting offering on the temple
Carefully attaching lamak

At exactly 10 o’clock, the Pemangku (Priest) came to the scene and prepared himself. He started chanting on prayer while his left hand rang a small bell. He sprinkled holy water and threw flowers every once in a while with his right hand, blessing the offerings and the place. Not long after, everyone started walking around Workspace and Culture splashing holy water, hitting kul-kul, and wafting essence of incense to fill up the room. The ritual was meant to cleanse the space and give blessing to each room. 

Pemangku (priest) is ringing his genta (bell)
The offerings

At the end of the ceremony, we all sat down behind the priest and listen to his incantation with our hands clasped above our head. As the chanting continued, each of us was given tirtha to drink and splash over. The rituals in Bali is often a way for human to show gratitude to Gods for the blessing and protection, however, it is also a way for human to show compassion to one another as well as showing a sense of belonging to what is theirs.

Blessing with holy water
Hitting the kul-kul
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Wafting incense’s essence
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Clasping hands
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Drinking tirtha

Through this ceremony, everyone has shown love to Workspace and Culture while strengthen the bond of one another. After 2 years standing strong full of blessing, we hope that WAC will stay blessed and remain humble. Watch the video below for a glimpse of Piodalan Ceremony of Workspace and Culture.


SHL Asia Team

shl asia | architecture | landscape | artwork

SHL Asia Channeling Creativity at Denpasar Festival 2020

shl asia | architecture | landscape | artwork

Every year, the city organizes a creative event called Denpasar Festival (Denfest) initiated by Bali Government Tourism Office. This festival comes from a synergy between tourism and economic creative as its foundation. It is the fusion where modernism and globalization meet Balinese culture and tradition to boost Denpasar’s cultural tourism. It purpose acts as display window for Denpasar’s best creative products. These products include expressions, creations and any contributions to the city. It is a space for people to channel their creative process and exhibit them to public.

This year, Denpasar Festival 2020 celebrates its 13th anniversary with the theme of “Creativity Beyond Limit” (Kreativitas Meretas Batas) and is going to be held for 3 months through online and offline platform. The festivals consist of activities and performances from food festival, virtual fashion show, theater, poem visualization, storytelling, sketch and essay competition, workshops and many more.

Other than that, there are exhibitions from different areas of art and culture, thus include photography, painting, sculpture and design. SHL Asia is participating in the design exhibition joining fellow architects from different communities like Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia (IAI) Bali, IYA (Indonesian Young Architects) and Arsitek Tanpa Nama (ATN).

IAI Bali exhibits award winning panels from IAI Bali Award 2019 including one from SHL Asia. Previously, Folk Pool & Garden—one of SHL Asia’s projects—have won IAI Bali Award in tourism accommodation category as a restaurant. Our panel consists of several pictures of the projects showing its overall design and ambience. Folk Ubud is a scaled up restaurant turned into swim up bar and backyard.

The design is very much represent the Ubud’s neighborhood where it is very laid-back and relaxing. While Folk was designed to be very rustic and exposed, it is still as Bali as it can get. Traditional Balinese buildings seek to be in harmony with the nature and the environment. It is presented on how Folk blend in with the surrounding through its humble concept and the nuance of familiarity.

Image courtesy of @folkubud

Next panel is exhibited with others architects from Indonesian Young Architects (IYA). IYA was initiated after a group of young architects discussed their experience in Bali. With this exhibition, SHL Asia presents its architecture project, a contemporary villa in Seminyak. This villa takes on a more modern approach design with a touch of Balinese architecture element.

It has soft tone colors like white, pastel blue and natural wood. SHL Asia focuses on the details of the villa that are channeled through its unique contemporary pattern and material. The subtle hint of Balinese architecture is shown on building typography with an inspired Bale Kul Kul (a drum tower or watch tower that is crucial in Balinese temple) and a Balinese entrance door, Aling-alling. The panel is aimed to inspired visitors about contemporary design without neglecting the traditional value.

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shl asia | architecture | landscape | artwork

Last but not least, SHL Asia’s panel in Arsitek Tanpa Nama’s exhibition area. ATN is a non-boundaries architect community in Bali that regularly holds informal and casual sharing forums. For this one, SHL Asia presents its landscape project in Ubud, Tanadewa Resort and Spa. The project is located at the top of the cliff looking over the valley in the back.

Its landscape was designed to be lush and tropical blending in with the surrounding environment. Other than that, it serves purposes to soften the massive and rigid impression of the architecture. The local culture is infused through the placement of various artworks within the resort—one of them was inspired by the ‘Moon of Pejeng’, a relic of the largest single-cast bronze kettle drum in the world and considered sacred by the local people.

tanadewa | shl asia | architecture landscape artwork
tanadewa | shl asia | architecture landscape artwork

Through this exhibition, SHL Asia wishes to inspire and reintroduce few of our designs to the public (shameless self-promo! Hehe.) It shows a bit of insight on how creative process happens and allows designers as well as other creators and artists to freely channel their creativity and aspiration. Watch this video to see more of the festival. (Spot SHL Asia panels!)


SHL Asia Team