The end of the year is near. Looking back at what happened this year, we have reflected and came to realize how much things have changed from inside and out. It changed on we think and manage things. When the pandemic struck earlier this year, everyone was at lost, including us. There was no warning nor announcement to prepare us for what has to come.
Initially, people were not sure about what was going to happen, especially Balinese people where the island is hugely supported by the tourism sector. After the travel warning was out, the economy just went downhill. Restaurants were out of business, hotels were closing down, malls and stores are closed. As a consultant that focuses on hospitality design, SHL Asia is more or less affected by the situation since many of our clients come from hospitality sector that are greatly impacted.

Fortunately, we are surrounded by respected clients, partners and loyal friends that continuously support us through these hard times. When we surround ourselves with positivity, we can see the silver linings in every condition. We see things in a more positive way thus affect our attitude in facing certain things and attract what our mind is thinking. Hence we managed to get through this year.

Throughout the year, we have designed various projects for both landscape and architecture. The same goes with construction project that are still going forward even with slower pace. More on that, with everything that is going in, here are some things that we are grateful about and worth celebrating this year.
2020 remarks a decade SHL Asia being in the industry. We were established in 2010 and ten years later here we are. Like a human being, SHL Asia has matured each year aiming for the better self than before, to deliver better service and design and to give back to the community. To celebrate this glorious event, together with a hospitality photographer, we are planning something really exciting in 2021, something big and never done before. (Follow us and stay updated!). Fast forward to the last quarter of the year, we got the opportunity to be featured on Lumion Indonesia’s official website and Youtube channel. We are honored yet humbled to be able to contribute and share our design to bigger audience.

Aside from that, every year the architecture community regularly holds several design exhibitions and seminars. With the pandemic going on, big gatherings like such were not being held like normal. Just like many other activities, almost all of them have turned into an online event to avoid big crowds. Seminars turned into webinars on zoom and formal exhibition turned into Instagram panel exhibition. It did not feel the same but it obviously worked
We are astonished on how people adapt to certain condition and manage to make it work. When things like this happen, the only thing we can do to survive is to keep moving forward and adapt. We surround ourselves with good people and good vibes and overall being grateful about little things we have taken for granted. For 2021, we wish to be kinder and a better SHL Asia for everyone. So long 2020…