shl asia | architecture | landscape | artwork

A Decade of SHL Asia: Thank You to the Universe

shl asia | architecture | landscape | artwork
Thank you to the Universe

It seems crazy to write this: SHL Asia is celebrating its 10-year Anniversary. We have crossed yet another milestone in the history of SHL Asia. A decade in the industry seems a lot but we are still far from done. Out of all things, we just want to say thank you to everyone and everything that have played important roles in furthering our cause. Most of all, we want to thank you the universe.

SHL Asia started with a crazy idea from three Balinese late 20-somethings to start their own design consultant and 10 years later—here we are, making design all across Asia.

Things, however, are slightly different this year. Our decade’s celebration happens in the same year as the pandemic which that means all plans would have to be put on hold until we can safely celebrate together. For now, we are virtually celebrating this glorious achievement while take the time upon reflection and express gratitude.

To the universe,

Thank you for letting us see our work as love instead of something to do.

Thank you for another chance to see the magic in every ordinary thing that isn’t ordinary at all.

Thank you for the new ideas, the inspiration that comes, even if it’s the kind that comes middle of the night.

Thank you for the nature surround, for the sound of flowing water, for the smell of morning dew, for the song of the birds chirp, for the voices of the wind blows through the trees and for the feel of green grass on our feet.

Universe has allowed us to keep moving forward and let us create.

Thank you to SHL Asia family past and present – all of the team, everyone who has ever worked with us. To SHL Asia current team, thank you for being the ultimate support system for this company.

To our clients and partners – that is far too many great names to list – thank you for allowing us to innovate and trusting us.

SHL Asia is not just about the business, it is about the people. The team, the clients and partners, the designs, the awards, the experiences and most importantly the value driven from these people—there are so much about this company that can’t be sum in to one article. But one thing for sure, something big awaits to happen for us but for now let us celebrate 10 years of SHL Asia by sending our gratitude.

Thank you


SHL Asia Team