Happy 8th year anniversary SHL Asia!!! Last week of July marked our 8th anniversary of being in the business. As they say, success is a journey and not a destination. While our success story will keep going on, we have set a milestone of completion of eight successful years into our landscape and architecture projects and of course a lot of hard work. Indeed, 8 is not a fairly big number but so many things have had happened that have shaped us into as we are right now. On 2010, our co-founders – embarked on their journey towards the dream of creating landscape hospitality architecture. As the number grows, we still strive in making beautiful designs and delivering the best service to the client.
Without a doubt, any company’s business growth depends upon the hard work of all employees. No individual can ever take the credit of all those years of success and hard work alone. The accomplishments of a company are the results of the combined efforts of every individual and team work. And although nothing can ever sufficiently show the appreciation, we wanted to celebrate our journey with all the employees of SHL Asia. Here is the greatest gratitude for the dedication, for the hard work and of course for all the ideas and inspirations. A feast by the beach, the casual and personal vibe, and nothing but good time.
We are celebrating this for all the hard work, laugh, sweat and the devotion that we have poured in to the success of SHL Asia. We started out small however we had big visions and always put our mind into providing a level of service with an aim to outdo ourselves. All we want to say is thank you to everyone who has supported us, worked with us, taken a chance on us and believed in us. Here is to many, many more exciting and inspiring years ahead!